More Adventures!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Bouncy Erin!!

To my devoted readers,

I am *so* excited!

Eeeeeeeh! *squealy, excited noise*

I just got my school and community assignments for ICTC! I am going to be teaching 6th grade home room, social studies and religion, and 5th through 8th grade science at Santa Maria Addolorata (Our Lady of the Sorrows) in West Chicago. The student body is primarily hispanic (so I will get to practice my spanish, yay!) and Bill, one of the directors of the program, told me that he really likes the school.

Oh my goodness, I am so excited, I am all bouncing around the Meyer library!

I also have my housing assignment, which is the Rooney Community. I have no idea about the history of the name, but I visited there for the final gathering of the Come and See Weekend in January, and it was very homey. Apparently they are getting new carpet and painting the house, so it will be all sparkley and new when I get there! I'm living with 5 other people (4 girls and one guy). Dominic, the guy living in Rooney, sent out an email survey late last night that I jumped on as in one of my fits of procrastination (that is another story entirely). It has been so much fun to hear responses from everybody in the program -- I am *so* excited to see what God has in store for us this year. I know it's going to be absolutely incredible.

It's just coming together all right before my eyes! I also just got an email from Bill about assignments that I'm to have completed by the time I get to Chicago for my first week of school (we'll be taking classes at Northwestern):


Week 1

ESSAY – Elementary/Secondary:

The first assignment for your portfolio is entry 1a. This is due June 17th. Please bring two copies of your essay. June 17th?! Aiya! That is just 4 days after graduation, and slightly over a week after finals end! Plus, I just stayed up until 4:45 this morning working on a paper! (another story entirely) Now I have another paper, eeep!

Entry 1a) Over the course of the next year, you will be developing your philosophy of education. As a first step in this process, please reflect on the following issues:

What are the aims of education?

How do people learn?

What is the role of the teacher?

What is the relationship between the school and society?

Given your analysis of and reflection on these questions, please write a three to five page essay outlining your basic philosophy of education. aahhh, okay, yeah I can definitely talk about this. Only three to five pages? hm... We are not asking for bullet points or discrete answers to the questions above; rather, please submit a narrative essay embodying your answers to these questions. In addition, include a section in which you briefly describe the ideal teacher (elementary) or your ideal math/science teacher (secondary), and identify the most important challenges that you believe might be obstacles to the realization of that ideal. Please note, we are not asking for a research paper whew!, and therefore you do not need to consult reference sources.


*The Skin That We Speak by Lisa Delpit –
Read selected Introduction and Chapter 1 by June 17th.
Additional readings will be assigned from this text during the
summer; dates TBA.

*Savage Inequalities (Selected readings) by Jonathan Kozol -
Read the Introduction and Chapter 2 by June 17th.

*Teaching to Change the World (Selected readings) by Oakes &
Lipton –
Read Chapter 1 by June 17th.

*Educational Psychology by Robert Slavin –
Read Preface (pp. xvii-xxiii) and Chapters 1-3 (pp. 1-99) by June 17th.

*Today’s Schools (Selected Chapters 9-12) by Hewitt & Whittier –
Read Chapters 11 & 12 by June 21st.
Read Chapters 9 & 10 by June 28th.


Okay, that sounds do-able. That sounds more than do-able, it sounds preferential to the other work/studying I have to do now. I am so excited! (Flashback to 12th grade calculus teacher who assiged me "I'm so excited" by the Pointer Sisters as my personal theme song.)

But, let's not get carried away. There is still work to be done between now and then-- and miles to go before I sleep. Thank goodness for cafecito.

With fondness,


P.S. I love God!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Love Linda Lou

The following is an email my roommate Maria received from her Aunt Linda:

Hey Maria,
There is a new guy on the block where i work. His name is Nick. He is a graduate this year of Chemical Engineering. He too will be taking the mcat. If looking to be fixed up with anyone i highly recommend him. Nice Guy .Full of energy and lust for life. (great blue eyes also)Maybe you two can be pen pals for Now what do you say ?
So as i understand it , it is hot where you are and cool in San Fran correCant wait to seeyou- Love Linda Lou.

God bless relatives... I mean, what would we do without them to keep us insane?? Goodness gracious, I was *dying* as I was reading this letter! Maybe because my mom is Italian, and that is my image of crazy family, but as I was re-enacting this letter in all its hilarity I just had to give Aunt Linda Lou the stereotypical East-coast, Italian nasal aunt voice. Oh yes, complete with the hands and the smeared lipstick: *Niiiice guy!* You really should meet him. ((in a loud, raspy whisper)) He's a doctor.

After all, we are 21 years old! Some of us are even 22, or *gasp* 23!! It is high time we start thinking about s e t t l i n g d o w n .

For some reason, when I look at us, settling down is just about the *last* thing that I think about. We are so SILLY! There's no way that we are anything more than slightly more mature 5-year olds, I mean, seriously. What 22-year old loves among her most favorite things to do in the entire world to run through sprinklers or spin around to get dizzy or laugh constantly or just be completely ridiculous?

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Cuban music-dancing in lab

Wow! What a wonderful slew of responses to my last post! Thank you guys for telling me your opinions. I think I have decided to switch over, but I want to be able to keep the comments from my old blog when I change the template, so I'm not exactly sure what is going to have to happen in order to do that. (If you have any insights, definitely let me know!)

In the meantime, I'm confused as to whether I should post on my old blog or on this one. Hm... I guess I'll post on here for now, until I make the template transition.

Anyways, here I am in lab. Again things are running late and I am going to miss at least part of the RUF get-together, which is *so sad* because it is the last one! (also because I'm huuuungry!) Oh no, oh no, don't let there start being lasts! It really hit me a couple of days ago that this is all ending. We're beyond the 3-week mark. Less than 21 days until I will be on a plane and flying high over the bay aaaalllll the way to Chicago.

Yes, I am a little bit freaking out. Maybe more than a little bit. All of a sudden I am plagued with these ridiculous doubts and scenarios in my head of how there is *no way* that I can do what I'm setting out to do.

Hunmh.. as I was writing that, it just came to me that, you know, that's exactly the point. It's not by my own strength that I will do anything in Chicago. Lord knows, though, that I will need to desperately cling to the truth that God knows the plans He has for me, and that I am secure in His protection and guidance. In that sense, yes, it will be a challenge to daily, even moment by moment, keep the Truth as close to my heart and mind and body as possible.

Ooooh, but then who knows what will happen! I am so excited to discover whatever it may be! YEEESSSS, folks, we're back in business!


Eep-- lab stuff calls. Remind me to update y'all about surfing and senior formal, both of which were this past saturday. Fun fun fun!! (even though I am still sore. Eep!) Yaaay!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

What do you think?

Hey y'all!

Okay, so I am testing out a new blog template because my old one gets sort of quirky for some reason. Plus it will be cool to host comments on blog itself and not on the also-quirky comment hoster thingy that I have now. Plus, it's a new time of life for us all so my new blog format could be representative of this new and exciting life out there!

Or something! Anyways, let me know what you think, kay?

And yes, Tina, when I have time/figure it out, I will most likely switch the color scheme to purple. =)