What do you think?
Hey y'all!
Okay, so I am testing out a new blog template because my old one gets sort of quirky for some reason. Plus it will be cool to host comments on blog itself and not on the also-quirky comment hoster thingy that I have now. Plus, it's a new time of life for us all so my new blog format could be representative of this new and exciting life out there!
Or something! Anyways, let me know what you think, kay?
And yes, Tina, when I have time/figure it out, I will most likely switch the color scheme to purple. =)
At 1:03 AM, Anonymous said…
im not sure i like bloggers comment thing. alot more click need to be made just to post a comment. the new colors would be cool though if you switched over
At 1:03 AM, MarcB said…
btw that post was me, i was testing out the anonymous feature
At 2:45 AM, Natalie said…
Hmmm, yeah, the comment thing is sort of weird. But it is nice to have it on the blog. I guess if you switch color schemes this would be okay :)
At 8:16 AM, Tandava said…
Well, I pretty much like all our new templates, so I say go for it. :-) Note that it may be a little tricky to change the color scheme, because rounded corners like these use images that you'd have to alter, in addition to just doing stuff to the CSS. But it would be do-able.
And about the comment workflow, number of clicks and all: this is still very much a work in progress, since it's a brand-new feature for Blogger. So it will most likely change for the better as time goes on.
At 8:28 PM, tpiglette said…
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At 8:30 PM, Anonymous said…
(Uh oh I think I accidentally clicked a wrong button. Here's my comment again...)
Gee Erin, how did you know I was goign to ask that? ;)
I agree about the comment system -- I don't like Blogger's version. But again, I know I'm a creature of habit. I've always preferred pop-up comments as opposed to a whole reloaded page (like Xanga pages).
I know that your current template is finicky, though -- Bryan had trouble with it too. So I think a new template would be a good idea.
Loooove youuu!
At 8:30 PM, tpiglette said…
(Uh oh I think I accidentally clicked a wrong button. Here's my comment again...)
Gee Erin, how did you know I was goign to ask that? ;)
I agree about the comment system -- I don't like Blogger's version. But again, I know I'm a creature of habit. I've always preferred pop-up comments as opposed to a whole reloaded page (like Xanga pages).
I know that your current template is finicky, though -- Bryan had trouble with it too. So I think a new template would be a good idea.
Loooove youuu!
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